Awards Gala
Advice For The Next Generation: Do What You Love, Ask The Right Questions, And Remember That Science Is A Team Sport
2020 NFID awardees share advice for the next generation of infectious disease professionals…
What Keeps Infectious Disease Heroes Up At Night?
2020 National Foundation for Infectious Diseases award winners describe what keeps them up at night and share their thoughts on the greatest infectious disease threats and opportunities…
The 2019 Oscars of Infectious Diseases: An Evening of Inspiration
On May 9, 2019, the stars of the infectious disease community joined NFID to honor three distinguished public health heroes: Jeremy Farrar, FRS, Anne A. Gershon, MD, and Richard E. Besser, MD…
Through Science, Innovation, and Engagement, We Can Make the World Better for All
Throughout his impressive career, Jeremy Farrar, FRS, has approached his work in global health with a sense of wonder, exuberance, and a passion for improving the health of people all over the world…
Women in Science: Overcoming Adversity Without Surrender
When Anne A. Gershon, MD began her studies in medicine, women were “not at all welcome in the profession.” Read about her trailblazing career and contributions…
Public Health Heroes: Improving Opportunities for Healthier Lives
The start of the H1N1 influenza pandemic in 2009 was a time of great fear and uncertainty—a new potential pandemic during a period of political transition…
What Infectious Disease Threats Keep You Up At Night?
Among the 2019 World Health Organization top 10 threats to global health, six are related to infectious diseases: vaccine hesitancy, antimicrobial resistance, another influenza pandemic, Ebola and other high-threat pathogens, dengue, and HIV. We asked the 2019 NFID awardees to tell us what keeps them up at night and to share their thoughts on the greatest threats and opportunities in infectious diseases…
The 2018 Oscars of Infectious Diseases: An Evening to Remember
Along with celebrating 45 years of success in providing education to both the public and healthcare professionals, NFID honored three public health heroes who have made significant and lasting contributions: Roger I. Glass, MD, PhD; Kathryn M. Edwards, MD; and Anne Schuchat, MD (RADM, USPHS).
Celebrating Global Public Health Heroes
As we celebrate our 45th anniversary, we are proud to honor three individuals who have made significant and lasting contributions to public health: Kathryn M. Edwards, MD; Roger I. Glass, MD, PhD; and Anne Schuchat, MD (RADM, USPHS)…
The 2017 Oscars of Infectious Diseases
On May 18, 2017, the stars of the infectious disease community joined NFID to celebrate three outstanding leaders: Peter Piot, MD, PhD, Myron M. Levine, MD, and Thomas M. File, Jr. MD for their extraordinary contributions to public health…