What Vaccines Do You Need?
Vaccines to help protect against respiratory diseases:

Everyone age 6 months and older
Everyone age 6 months and older
Certain older adults, pregnant women, and infants
Pneumococcal Disease
Children younger than age 5 years, adults age 50 years and older, and people with certain medical conditions
Who Is At Risk?
Like eating healthy foods, exercising, and getting regular check-ups, vaccines play a vital role in keeping you healthy. Learn more about vaccines recommended for those at higher risk:

Vaccine Science and Safety
All vaccines used in the US must go through extensive safety testing before they are licensed, and safety monitoring continues as long as vaccines are used
Immunization Resources
Real stories, graphics, videos, and other tools related
to vaccines and vaccine-preventable diseases
Respiratory Immunization Graphics
Graphics and sample social posts to help raise awareness about preventing COVID-19, flu, RSV, and pneumococcal disease
Call to Action: Strategies to Improve Adult Immunization in the US
NFID Call to Action highlights key outcomes of roundtable discussion with key stakeholders, including insights, best practices, and recommendations for improving uptake of all recommended adult vaccines in the US …
Updated Recommendations for Respiratory Season
In this episode, NFID experts discuss updated recommendations to help protect against COVID-19, influenza (flu), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and pneumococcal disease …
Featured News
News and commentary about vaccine-preventable diseases
and vaccine policies and programs.