August 1, 2023

National Immunization Awareness Month

August is National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM), and the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) has compiled resources from NFID and partner organizations that can be used throughout NIAM (and all year-round) to help raise awareness about vaccine-preventable diseases and the importance of prevention through vaccination:

NFID Resources

From brushing teeth to eating healthy food to getting routine vaccines, there are things we do to protect ourselves throughout our lives. Low immunization rates put everyone at risk for vaccine-preventable diseases. The NFID Vaccines for Life videos and infographic help make the case that while recommendations may change as we age, the need for protection does not.


  A collage of young individuals smiling together side by side, with a blue overlay
  • Vaccines are one of the safest preventive care measures available and help play a vital role in keeping you healthy. When you skip vaccines, you leave yourself vulnerable to illnesses such as shingles, influenza (flu), and HPV and hepatitis B–both leading causes of cancer. Co-brandable NFID graphics help raise awareness with 10 Reasons to Get Vaccinated.
10 Reasons to Get Vaccinated
  • Many children have fallen behind on routine vaccinations, putting them at risk for diseases like measles, pneumonia, and chickenpox. Uninsured and underinsured children are eligible for free or low-cost vaccines through the federally funded Vaccines for Children (VFC) program. This animated public service announcement video highlights the value of the VFC program.
Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program

ACOG Resources

Vaccines can help protect pregnant women and infants. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) offers resources for sharing accessible, evidence-based information on COVID-19, Tdap, and flu vaccination during pregnancy, including:

Vaccines during pregnancy

CDC Resources

Vaccinating young children helps build immunity before children are exposed to potentially serious diseases. But vaccines are not just for children. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers graphics, videos, factsheets, and other resources (in English and Spanish) to highlight the importance of staying up to date on routine vaccines across the lifespan.

Stay up to date on routine vaccines

Vaccinate Your Family Resources

The #FirstDayVax Campaign toolkit from Vaccinate Your Family provides back-to-school vaccine reminders and information about the safety and benefits of vaccines. The toolkit includes downloadable graphics and sample social media posts for use throughout NIAM.

Vaccinate Your Family Middle school already

Voice for Vaccines Resources

Voices for Vaccines offers a convenient guide to posting on social media throughout NIAM. The guide includes a series of co-brandable graphics and post templates, organized by week, along with other tips for social media engagement. Themes include community immunity, vaccine-preventable diseases, and adult immunization.

Are you missing vaccines?


Share Additional Resources

Know of other valuable tools and resources focused on raising awareness about the importance of vaccination? Share them with us so we can help spread the word …

To join the conversation and get the latest news on infectious diseases, follow NFID on Twitter using the hashtags #GetVaccinated and #IVax2Protect, like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagramvisit us on LinkedIn, listen and subscribe to the Infectious IDeas podcast, and subscribe to receive NFID Updates.

To join the fight against infectious diseases, support NFID during NIAM with a donation at: