December 29, 2022

NFID Annual Report for FY2022

As 2022 draws to a close, on behalf of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID), we are grateful to all of our partners and donors whose generous support helps make our work possible. 2022 was another banner year during which we achieved:

  • 4B+ media impressions from the NFID Influenza/Pneumococcal Disease News Conference
  • Professional education of 15,000+ individuals from 86 countries
  • 23 educational activities (webinars, courses, and conferences)
  • 200+ collaborating partners

Collaboration is a core value for NFID and is a central tenet of our efforts to speak with ‘one strong voice’ in support of evidence-based approaches to the effective prevention and treatment of infectious diseases across the lifespan. NFID could not do this important work without the support of our partners, donors, and stakeholders. Join us as we reflect and celebrate the powerful impact of our collective voices, as highlighted in the NFID FY22 Annual Report:

FY22 Annual Report Cover

Download a copy of the Annual Report at:

Your Support Makes a Difference

We are extremely grateful to those who have donated to NFID this year, and we look forward to continued collaboration and building on the momentum of our accomplishments as we celebrate the 50th anniversary of NFID in 2023, with an updated strategic plan.

If you have not yet made a contribution, there is still time to join the fight against infectious diseases through an online donation. From all of us at NFID, thank you for your continued support!

We wish you the gift of health this holiday season and throughout the coming year …

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