With cases of COVID-19 on the rise and the Delta variant surging across the US, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends COVID-19 booster shots for certain populations who received the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine series, including the following groups:
- Older adults (65+)
- Residents in long-term care settings
- Those with certain underlying medical conditions
- People whose occupations put them at risk such as healthcare professionals
In this episode of the Schaffner Report, Marla Dalton, Executive Director and CEO of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) talks with NFID Medical Director William Schaffner, MD, about the updated CDC guidance, including those who should and those who may receive a booster dose.
Those most vulnerable to COVID-19 include people who remain unvaccinated, and with influenza season upon us, getting everyone fully vaccinated against both COVID-19 and flu is even more important than ever.
To borrow a phrase from Hemingway, COVID-19 is a moveable feast—there will always be something new down the road …
William Schaffner, MD, NFID Medical Director
View Frequently Asked Questions about COVID-19 and Frequently Asked Questions about COVID-19 Vaccines to learn more.
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