April 27, 2023

Schaffner Report - April 2023: COVID-19 Special Edition

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have taken steps to simplify COVID-19 vaccination recommendations. Bivalent mRNA vaccines are now recommended for everyone age 6 months and older, and adults age 65 years and older and those with compromised immune systems may be eligible for an additional bivalent dose.

In this episode of the Schaffner Report, William Schaffner, MD, medical director of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID), talks with NFID Executive Director and CEO Marla Dalton, CAE, about the new recommendations, explaining the changes and who is affected, as well as what might be in store for the upcoming 2023-2024 US respiratory season.


COVID-19 has not gone away. It is sobering to realize that 200-300 people still die every day due to COVID-19. We are all going to have to keep our guard up in order to ensure that we do not have another pandemic this winter.

-NFID Medical Director William Schaffner, MD


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