Shot of Science

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Vaccines are safe 5 phases of research and development
#ShotOfScience: #Vaccines undergo 5 phases of research that can take up to 15 years for approval by @US_FDA


Vaccines are safe 4 separate surveillance systems
#DYK there are multiple systems in the US that continually monitor #vaccine safety, including new systems for COVID-19? #ShotOfScience via @NFIDvaccines


Vaccines are safe 3 phases of clinical trials

#ShotOfScience via @NFIDVaccines: 3 phases of clinical trials ensure #vaccines are safe for public use


Vaccines are safe Billions of doses for 50 years

#ShotOfScience: #DYK that BILLIONS of #vaccine doses have been safely used in the US over the last 50 years?


Vaccines are safe against 16 infectious diseases
#Vaccines are safe & protect against 16 dangerous & deadly infectious diseases #ShotOfScience