December 31, 2019

About 1 in 3 adults in the US will get Shingles

Although 1 in 3 adults will get shingles in their lifetime, less than 30% of those eligible get vaccinated. Many do not know about shingles or vaccines available to help prevent it.

These resources include a poster, graphics, sample social media posts, and sample newsletter/website language to help you share information about shingles and the importance of prevention through vaccination. Share these graphics/sample social media posts to help raise awareness about shingles and tag NFID channels (

Downloadable Promotional Poster

Sample Posts and Graphics:

Click on each image to download a graphic for use on social media. 

Twitter Posts

Ask your healthcare professional about #vaccines to #PreventShingles today!

#Shingles can cause severe pain & keep you from things you enjoy, but it doesn’t have to … #PreventShingles

Don’t miss out on life’s best moments! Ask your healthcare professional about #vaccines to #PreventShingles


Facebook and Instagram Posts

Don’t wait to vaccinate! The next time you are at your pharmacy or doctor’s office, ask about the shingles vaccine. Learn more about preventing shingles at:

Shingles can cause severe pain and keep you from doing the things that you enjoy, but it doesn’t have to. Shingles can cause a painful rash and nerve pain that can last for months or even years. Ask a healthcare professional about shingles vaccination and learn more at and #GetVaccinated to #PreventShingles!

Don’t miss out on life’s best memories! Ask your healthcare professional about the safe and effective shingles vaccine. Learn more about how to #PreventShingles at:

Sample Website/Newsletter Content

Did you know that 1 in 3 adults in the US will get shingles in their lifetime? Almost everyone knows someone who has had shingles, a virus that can cause a painful rash and nerve pain that can last for months or even years. The good news is that there’s a safe and effective vaccine available to help prevent shingles. Don’t let a preventable disease like shingles keep you from doing the things you love. Have questions? Give us a call or come in and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have! 

Voicemail/On Hold Message Script 

Did you know that if you’ve ever had chickenpox, you are at risk for shingles? In the US, about 1 in 3 adults will get shingles in their lifetime. Shingles can cause severe pain and keep you from doing the things that you enjoy, but it doesn’t have to. There’s a vaccine to help prevent shingles. Ask us about shingles vaccination today. To learn more, visit