Featured HPV Vaccination is Cancer Prevention

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common virus that can cause several kinds of cancer.

HPV causes almost all cervical cancer in the US and most of the cancers of the vulva, vagina, penis, anus, and back of the throat. Each year in the US, about 35,000 people are affected by cancers caused by HPV.

HPV vaccination IS cancer prevention.

Share these graphics and sample social media posts to help raise awareness:

  • #DYK: In the US, most new HPV infections occur among teens and those in their early 20s? Many of those infected do not have symptoms but can still spread the virus that causes cervical cancer and other cancers. Learn more: www.nfid.org/hpv #GetVaccinated #PreventHPV
  • HPV vaccination helps protect against 6 types of cancer. Vaccination is recommended early in life to help protect children long before they ever have contact with the virus.
  • HPV #vaccines are safe and effective in protecting against cancer? Get Informed. Get Screened. #GetVaccinated. Learn more: www.nfid.org/hpv

#GetVaccinated to help #PreventHPV