DYK Hepatitis Can Be Prevented?

Hepatitis B is a serious liver disease caused by the hepatitis B virus, which can affect people of all ages. Once infected, some may carry the virus their whole lives as a chronic infection which can lead to liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, and even death. The best way to prevent hepatitis B is to get vaccinated.

Share these graphics, videos, and sample social media posts to help raise awareness about hepatitis B and tag NFID channels (https://linktr.ee/nfid):

  • #DYK: #HepatitisB is serious, contagious, can cause #cancer, and is vaccine-preventable? Learn more:  www.nfid.org/hepatitis
  • #DYK: #HepatitisB can be prevented? #GetVaccinated to help #PreventHepatitis. Learn more from #NFID: www.nfid.org/hepatitis
  • Fact: #HepatitisB can be prevented with safe and effective #vaccines. Talk with a trusted healthcare professional about #HepB vaccination and visit www.nfid.org/hepatitis to learn more. #GetVaccinated to help #PreventHepatitis
  • Hepatitis B is a serious liver disease caused by the #hepB virus. Those with chronic #hepB infection may not have symptoms for months or years, but they can pass the virus on to others. Learn more: www.nfid.org/hepatitis #PreventHepatitis
  • #DYK: #Vaccines are more than 90% effective in protecting against #hepatitisB, one of the most common causes of #LiverCancer? Learn more from #NFID: www.nfid.org/hepatitis