Along with many partner organizations, the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) is closely following the presidential transition process and the implications for public health policy. NFID does not support or oppose political appointments or weigh in on partisan debates—our role is to educate and engage the public, communities, and healthcare professionals about infectious diseases and empower people to make informed decisions about their health.

Regardless of the outcomes of the transition, NFID will continue to play a vital role in educating policymakers across the political spectrum about the science and evidence underpinning public health recommendations. We are committed to driving awareness of the serious risks of infectious diseases to motivate people to take preventive action, while combating misinformation by communicating accurate and timely information about diseases, along with prevention and treatment options.

 NFID supports vaccination as a key component to disease prevention and translates scientific vaccine recommendations into plain language to build informed confidence among the public in vaccine-related decisions.

For more than 50 years, NFID has collaborated with a wide range of diverse stakeholders–including professional societies, medical and patient advocacy groups, government agencies, industry, and other organizations–to reduce the burden of infectious diseases in the US and amplify important public health messaging with ‘one strong voice.’

Now more than ever, it is critical that NFID stay focused on our life-saving mission to empower all people to live healthier lives.