July 3, 2023

NFID Homepage Screenshot

Bethesda, MD (July 3, 2023)—The National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) has announced the launch of an updated website (, featuring streamlined navigation, making it easier for patients, caregivers, consumers, and healthcare professionals to find information and make informed decisions on topics related to infectious diseases across the lifespan.

“This refresh could not have come at a better time, as we commemorate the 50th anniversary of NFID this year, celebrating 50 years of education, prevention, and impact,” said NFID Executive Director and CEO Marla Dalton, CAE. “NFID is committed to educating and engaging with the public, communities, and healthcare professionals. Our team has been hard at work to create a more user-friendly, engaging, and informative website.”

New features include a modern new design, streamlined navigation, better organization and search, and updated content. Updated resources include public service announcement videos on the importance of Vaccines for Life, a fact sheet on monoclonal antibodies, and the popular Infectious IDeas podcast featuring conversations with public health heroes and thought leaders in the field.

The site includes timely and updated information on COVID-19, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), influenza (flu), and other infectious diseases, as well as an overview of US immunization recommendations, and 10 Reasons to Get Vaccinated.

For healthcare professionals, the site includes current information on continuing education activities and events, as well as shareable educational resources including fact sheets, graphics, videos, and real stories of people who have been impacted by infectious diseases. Media resources include NFID press releases, news conferences, and spokespersons who can provide expert commentary on the latest news in infectious diseases.

“More than ever before, people need a trusted source for information on disease prevention and treatment,” Dalton said. “We hope visitors will find the website to be a valuable resource, and we look forward to feedback to help us continuously improve the site.”

About the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases

Founded in 1973, the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to educating and engaging the public, communities, and healthcare professionals about infectious diseases across the lifespan. Visit for more information.

Contact: Diana Olson,

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