April 22, 2017

NIIW 2017 Blog-A-Thon

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has designated April 22-29, 2017 as National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW), an annual observance highlighting the importance of protecting infants from vaccine-preventable diseases and celebrating the achievements of immunization programs and partners in promoting healthy communities.

As NIIW coincides with the 2017 Annual Conference on Vaccine Research (April 24-26, 2017), NFID conference organizers have developed the following series of presentations focused on research to ensure that vaccines administered during childhood and pregnancy are safe and effective:

Invited Presentations:

Submitted Oral Abstracts:

In addition to invited and submitted oral presentations, several poster presentations will also address recent developments in maternal and infant immunization.

NFID is also sponsoring a special screening on Tuesday, April 25, 2017 of the film, Hilleman: A Perilous Quest to Save the World’s Children, followed by Q&A with Paul A. Offit, MD. There is no charge to attend the screening but advance registration is required to attend.

View the complete program agenda online. Learn more and register for ACVR today to network with peers and learn from subject matter experts!

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